The Light before Christmas


Dedicated in Loving Memory of Brother Bernard Zacheis -died February 29, 2008

During Sunday dinner the father asked his family, “Why do you go to church?”.

The rest of the family, knowing the father had skipped church, chastised the father, asking, “ Why did you not go to church today?”.  A discussion ensued by all the family regarding the meaning of why someone should go to church. The answers given were, - "we go out of tradition", or "because the church tells us to go", or more specifically,"Jesus taught us to go", which were all correct.


Christmas being just days away, the father was seeking an answer to his question for himself.  Now he was compelled to try and answer the question he had posed. Regretting his lack of initiative, he asked himself -Why had he not given of his time to be in church? and what does going to church mean to him?  In deep thought, he asked his children,"What is the meaning of a sacrifice?" All were confused how this question related to going to church and Christmas.

He explained-Traditionally, the Jewish custom of giving of a sacrifice represented man’s act of honoring and obeying God while recognized man’s atonement of his belief and adoration in God -as Moses and Abraham taught. Yet, what is the meaning of a sacrifice from God?  Posing this question helped the father gain a deeper understanding for himself.

Jesus was God’s ultimate sacrifice.  Through his love, God gave up his only son.   Through believing in Jesus, man is able to ask for forgiveness of his sins in order to gain everlasting life.  Yes, Jesus being born was God’s love for mankind, and through his birth, crucifixion, and resurrection, man was forgiven of his sins and offered eternal salvation. This gift, this sacrifice, is God's love for all the world.

Jesus taught -you should love the Lord your God with all your heart,
and with all your soul, and with all your mind. His second most important
command was to love your neighbor as yourself.

Studying who Jesus is and his teachings of who God is, gives us a chance to understand God, and his love. Going to church builds an understanding and knowledge of who God is through participation and reflection. It is through this effort you learn how to be with God. It is through this effort you come into union with God. It is through this effort that you learn how to love God.  It is this effort, this foundation-'your love for God', which grows in abiding faith and determination to live the life Jesus taught.


Just before Christmas, the father realizing the reason he needed to be in church.   He learned a foundation in Christ is not only about the giving of your time, your effort, and your charity, but also gaining the joy, the peace and the understanding of a love with God. A love God shares with us through Jesus. A love and faith we can share with others.


                                -The Light before Christmas-

                                     *  Merry Christmas  *    



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